Learn About CREO Designation "CREO"

Available only through the NRBA!

We will also be promoting this designation heavily to the reps and clients by separate means, and we strongly encourage all of the members to meet the requirements as soon as possible so as to earn their designation and so that they may begin using it for their own self-promotion as soon as possible.

Along with your increased status and the right to use the "CREO" designation on your own marketing materials - those that earn the designation will be given a special "CREO" lapel pin to wear at conferences and events as well as a certificate suitable for framing.

In addition to this - "Certified REO Specialists" (CREO holders) will be designated as such on their contact record in the NRBA Member's Database.

The total fee to the NRBA is $196 - payable upon completion of all requirements.

This includes:

The experience requirements are as follows:

  1. At least one year's membership in the NRBA with no justified complaints
  2. At least 25 verifiable REO transactions closed within the last 2 years with at least 5 different clients
  3. Approval by the NRBA Directors
  4. Recheck of all references used when originally applying for membership
  5. Attendance/Participation in at least two major conferences within the last two years. (REOMAC, NRBA, CMBA, Various Client sponsored)

To begin the process of becoming a "Certified REO Specialist" CREO and improving your status and earning potential:

The following are instructions for completing requirements and applying to be designated as a Certified REO Specialist - CREO

  1. Download Reading list and purchase required text books
  2. Upon completion of required reading materials Download and complete Final Exam
  3. Download and complete Application to become Certified REO Specialist
  4. Download Application checklist and make sure you have all items completed - before sending it in. Partial packages will not be returned nor held.
  5. Mail complete package to NRBA headquarters for final review.
    Att: CREO Review
    PO Box 777777
    Henderson, NV 89077
  6.  Allow at least 14 days for review and notification of status.

This article was printed from the NRBA's website :https://www.nrba.com
Date printed: 07/27/2024
Original article link: http://www.nrba.com//article.cfm?id=134

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