Why join?
- NRBA ONLINE Directory We are the largest nationwide database of real estate professionals specializing in all aspects of the default industry. Our clients; banks, servicers and asset management companies go to find brokers! Our powerful, yet simple, search engine allows you to be found instantly when a property is available to sell in your area. All members are listed by geographic location, zip code and specialty designations and certification.
- Your own profile page Not only does every member get listed on the NRBA website, but each gets their own personalized page as well. It is pre-populated with the basic info from your membership application and also has fields for you to personalize, including a link to your own website and contact information.
- Ability to list multiple locations with contact information. If you have multiple locations or states, you are able to add to your exposure through your profile.
- RIO - REAL ESTATE INFORMATION ORGANIZER A customized software database for handling your real estate listings - finally something that does what we need it to do.
- Members Forum A private password-protected internal forum. Talk to other members all over the country. Get leads, advice, referrals & more (strictly NRBA Members only).
- Facebook group. This is a another very active resource for advice, assistance with listings, feedback. It is for active members only in good-standing.
- Legal Updates Well keep you informed so you stay out of trouble.
- NRBA Newsletter Filled with the information to help you grow your business, get the business you want and make the profits you need.
- CREO Designation - Certified REO Specialist - The ONLY designation created specifically for REO Brokers-and you have to earn it!
- DMS Designation - Default Management Specialist.
- Training - Learn from the best! This information comes from top default industry leaders, all of whom do over 100 listings per year. You will be provided with everything you need to know to become a lucrative default specialist. We have quarterly business seminars.
- Exclusivity Yes we are exclusive! New members must be approved by current members in their area (NRBA Guidelines and Bylaws apply).
Ready to join?
Still not convinced you want to be a part of the NRBA?
We are a group of the best of the best brokers in the REO and distressed property industry. We have an extensive membership application process to ensure the integrity of the group's reputation among clients and prospective clients. Rather than continue to talk about how difficult it is to be approved as a member, we wanted to take the time to tell you about the additional benefits you receive when you are a member:
- 1:1 access to our founder and president, Michael Krein. His advice and insights have created dozens of millionaire members because they listened and applied his decades of experience in this industry.
- Access to supportive members and mentors etatblished throughout the country.
- This leads to LEADS from those same members. There are countless stories of our members helping other members. We all want to succeed, but it has been proven ou rmembership suceeds because they don't see other members as the competition, but as an asset to their own teams. The only competitors are non-members.
- Members have access to a client list unlike any other. Clients are happy to share their contact information with our members beause of the results we get them. The list is long and always growing, being updated, and enhanced. We freely share this list with our members.
- Annual Conference that includes client attendees in a SOCIAL situation where they WANT to get to know our members. Our members are able to be seen as valuable resources, rather than just a list of names. We KNOW our clients and they know and respect our members.
- Annual Educational Intensive events that cover the latest in best practices, solutions to industry challenges and ways to stay ahead of the competition. Regular attendees of these events are those sampe members easily pulling in seven figures a year.
- Regular webainars for members only with industry changes, alerts, HUD announcements, client announcements, changes in best practices, new tools, and reviews of existing tools.
- The ability to post your full profile on our nrba.com website which is where most clients go first to see if there is a member near their assets.
- The permission to add the NRBA logo and link to your profile on all social media platforms and your own website. It carries a lot of weight with hedge funds and asset managers. They are put at ease without even meeting you because of your affiliation with the NRBA.
Ready to join?
article was printed from the NRBA's website :https://www.nrba.com
Date printed: 09/19/2024
Original article link: http://www.nrba.com//article.cfm?id=235
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